Angelic View, Manchester Town Hall Clock Tower

Secret Cities Manchester

Angelic View, Manchester Town Hall Clock Tower

Angelic View, Manchester Town Hall Clock Tower

Available as a print and postcard

This body of work was exhibited at URBIS, Manchester in 2008 and created in collaboration with Andy Brydon

Exhibition in URBIS 2008

Exhibition in URBIS 2008

Overflow, Ashton Canal

Overflow, Ashton Canal

The Albert Hall, Manchester

The Albert Hall, Manchester

The copper mines beneath Alderley Edge

The copper mines beneath Alderley Edge

Cathedral Steps and Arches

Cathedral Steps and Arches

Central Foundations

Central Foundations

Godlee Observatory

Godlee Observatory

Hidden Arndale

Hidden Arndale

Flooded Canal Tunnel

Flooded Canal Tunnel

Trafford Bunker

Trafford Bunker

The Hulme Hippodrome

The Hulme Hippodrome

Hulme Hippodrome

Hulme Hippodrome

Hulme Hippodrome

Hulme Hippodrome

St Peter’s Annals

St Peter’s Annals

Quiet Refuge

Quiet Refuge

Great Abel

Great Abel
